Veteran’s Park Beach
480 Ocean Street, Hyannis, MA 02601

Featuring spectacular views of the boats in Lewis Bay, a large grassy picnic area, modern playground and clean restroom facilities, Veteran’s Park Beach is a popular spot for families. The parking lot lines the beach for easy access and is open to non-resident passholders as well as daily visitors for a fee. Be sure to visit the John F Kennedy Memorial fountain and Korean War Memorial just to the north of the beach.
Parking: 150+ spaces
- Daily $25
- Weekly $110
- Season $350
- Season (Resident) $50
A Barnstable beach pass or daily fee is required to park at town beaches between the hours of 9am – 3:45pm (7am – 3:45pm at Craigville Beach) year round. Daily fee parking is only available in season, and only at Craigville Beach, Hathaway’s Pond, Kalmus Beach, Keyes Memorial Beach, Sandy Neck Beach and Veteran’s Park Beach.
Resident passes are valid for all Barnstable beaches. Non-resident passes are valid only for Craigville Beach, Hathaway’s Pond, Kalmus Beach, Keyes Memorial Beach, Sandy Neck Beach and Veteran’s Park Beach.
For more information and to purchase passes visit: